Garbage Disposal Repair
When working properly, a garbage disposal is definitely one of the most useful appliances in your home. However, despite its power, it usually does break at some point, regular maintenance is required for it to stay in proper working condition. When your garbage disposal breaks down, you need to make a choice: repairing or replacing, but before you make that choice you should get an experts opinion. Many people go for the option number one. It appears faster, easier, and cheaper. But, is it really? If you are really lucky, meaning if all your garbage disposal needs is a simple cleaning, you will do it in an hour or two at best. However, that is rarely the case. If things get just a little more complicated, you will lose hours, probably even the whole afternoon. So that’s neither fast nor easy. Is it cheaper? Your time is money. Take your hourly pay and multiply it with the number of hours spent on the repair if you try to do it yourself.
We have forgotten at least two very important things. First, we have a money back guarantee. Secondly, garbage disposal is extremely powerful, and thus very dangerous piece of equipment. If you are not careful, you can sustain a severe injury.
It is safer, easier, and cheaper to leave the job to professionals. Our reliable technicians have spent days, months, and years disassembling and repairing garbage disposal units of all types. That experience guarantees that the job will be done in quickly, safely, and effectively. We offer same day service, so there is no need for you to spend a day without a working garbage disposal. Give us a call, as we are available 24/7.